3 Energy Saving Tips for Schools

Schools are tasked with educating our children and preparing them for the future. But they also have another important responsibility: making sure that their budgets don’t go overboard. With so many competing demands on school funding, it can be easy to overlook energy use when it comes to schools.

Fortunately, there are actions that all schools can take today that will save them money while also contributing positively to the environment and reducing pollution—all while keeping the kids warm and happy!

Schools are large buildings, and they use a lot of energy. Many are built in areas with cold winters, so the school has to keep the windows open during the day to let in the fresh air.

Schoolchildren and their teachers also spend much of their day inside classrooms, which means that there is often a lot of electronic equipment running at full capacity—electronic equipment that uses an enormous amount of electricity.


School Classrooms Are Notorious for Inefficient Energy Use

The budget is one of the biggest factors in determining how much can be spent on the school’s energy costs; however, it’s not the only one. Energy efficiency also affects how much your building costs you to run on a day-to-day basis.

By reducing your use of electricity and other sources of power (gas, diesel) you’ll save money on operating expenses and maintenance costs while cutting down on emissions into the environment.

It’s not just a concern for the school budget, though. Schools are responsible for shaping our future generation and setting an example for other institutions.

Being energy efficient can help schools provide a better learning environment, and it can also be a source of pride for students who want to show that their school is on top of its game. So let’s take a look at some ways you can use your energy wisely!


It’s important for schools to use as little electricity as possible while still keeping students warm, comfortable, and healthy during the winter months. In order to do this, it’s important for schools to implement efficient heating systems into their designs from the beginning stages so that they don’t have any surprises later down the line when it comes time for maintenance or repairs on existing systems (if any).

  • Turn off the heating when you are not in the room.
  • Use a timer to turn off the heating when you are not in the room.
  • Use a thermostat to control the temperature (e.g., set it so that it turns on when it gets cold, and turns off again at a pre-set time).


  • Use energy-efficient lighting. Lighting accounts for about 50% of the total electrical consumption in a school, so it’s important to use efficient bulbs and fixtures to reduce costs. Consider installing LED or fluorescent technologies instead of incandescent lights, which are generally less expensive than other types of lighting and have a lifespan that is up to 10 times longer than traditional bulbs.
  • Turn off lights when not in use. This is an easy way to save energy without sacrificing functionality or aesthetics! You can also set timers on some fixtures so they’re only used during high-traffic hours.
  • Dim lights, save energy: It’s a simple concept, but it works. Dimming lights in classrooms and hallways can reduce the amount of electricity used by up to 30%.
  • Use natural light whenever possible. Open windows are great ways to let natural light into your classroom, but don’t forget about skylights (which may require some maintenance) or even glass doors if you have them! If you do need additional artificial light in certain areas of your classroom, make sure it’s motion-activated when possible—this will help keep unnecessary power usage down while still providing adequate lighting at night or during those dark winter months when daylight hours are shorter than usual.

Computers and other equipment

Turn off computers and equipment when they are not in use. Use surge protectors and power strips to turn on/off multiple devices at once; use a power meter to track how much energy you are using.

Final Thoughts

The fact that schools are such a big part of our community makes them an ideal place to start making changes. We know that they have a lot on their plate already, but we hope that these tips will help them save money and become more environmentally friendly at the same time.

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